Wednesday, August 18, 2010

what's perfection? please, let me know. because i hear this word all the time. a person is called it, a personality could be perfect, the weather could be, even a birdhouse could be called so. so what is it? is it when nothing goes wrong, and everything goes right? or something gets up to the standards of being so great and amazing that it can't get any better? on an average day, it seems as if over 100 girls get called "perfect". we'll all be called that once or twice in our life times. but if all of us are told that we are of pure perfection , there must be over 100 different definitions of it. i've been called it before, i bet my life on it that you have to. someone saying "you have perfect eyes." or, "you're perfectly skinny." and this just isn't directed towards girls, guys could be said to be perfect too. although this word seems to come out of everyones mouth one day or the other, but honestly? i don't think perfection exists. cause i don't know what it is. what the true meaning of it is. and even if there is. maybe everyone's perfect in their own little way. or maybe it's just a figure of speech. but, i guess we just use it cause we can. and to tell you the truth, i'd hate to be perfect. have nothing wrong with me, no flaws, no cons and just all pros, nothing to fix, or work on. i like all those things, call me crazy but all the little imperfections and flaws in myself is what i like, improving is fun. it means new opportunities to learn something that you don't already have the knowledge of. i mean, i know that someone could look as close to looking as of there was nothing wrong, but deep down inside. there's always that one little thing that we can't always see in someone. but it's there. i think, that perfection is an imperfection in itself. which leads to all of our little flaws, and imperfections within us is what completes us all. and makes us the individuals that we all are. maybe it's like that so that the little imperfections are what make us perfect. in our own way.
i don't know.
i clearly do not have a clue. these are all just maybe's , and what if's or possibilities. of a question, that i don't think will ever turn into an answer. oh well, i'll survive, i'm okay with not knowing.

it can always, be my little wonder




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